Japan confirms ISIL execution of Haruna Yukawa

2015年1月25日—ThemembersoftheSecurityCouncildeploredtheapparentmurderofaJapanesecitizen,HarunaYukawa,bytheIslamicStateofIraqandLevant( ...,HarunaYukawa'sinvolvementinillicitactivitieswillcomplicatenegotiationsforhisrelease.Page1of1.TopStories ......。參考影片的文章的如下:


Security Council Press Statement on Murder of Haruna Yukawa

2015年1月25日 — The members of the Security Council deplored the apparent murder of a Japanese citizen, Haruna Yukawa, by the Islamic State of Iraq and Levant ( ...

Haruna Yukawa

Haruna Yukawa's involvement in illicit activities will complicate negotiations for his release. Page 1 of 1. Top Stories ...

Japanese hostage Haruna Yukawa has been beheaded!

Japanese hostage Haruna Yukawa has been beheaded!

Isis Japanese hostages

2015年1月20日 — Mr Yukawa had been in Syria in April 2013 and was stopped and briefly detained for questioning by fighters from the Free Syrian Army (FSA) Goto, ...

ISIS Claims It Executed Haruna Yukawa, One of Two ...

2015年1月24日 — A video released Saturday claimed that hostage Haruna Yukawa was killed after a ransom deadline had passed. The terror group on Tuesday demanded ...

From Homeless in Japan to Hostage in Syria

2014年8月27日 — A self-styled security consultant struggling with the death of his wife and bankruptcy embarked on a journey of self-discovery.

Haruna Yukawa

2015年1月24日 — Haruna Yukawa: death in the desert marks a violent end to a troubled life ... When Friday's deadline passed with no news of the fate of two ...


名字叫做Haruna Yukawa 的用戶. 湯川日菜. 查看個人檔案. Haruna Yukawa. 現居澀谷區. 查看個人檔案. Masaya Yukawa. 查看個人檔案. 湯川春菜. 查看個人檔案.


2015年1月25日—ThemembersoftheSecurityCouncildeploredtheapparentmurderofaJapanesecitizen,HarunaYukawa,bytheIslamicStateofIraqandLevant( ...,HarunaYukawa'sinvolvementinillicitactivitieswillcomplicatenegotiationsforhisrelease.Page1of1.TopStories ...,JapanesehostageHarunaYukawahasbeenbeheaded!,2015年1月20日—MrYukawahadbeeninSyriainApril2013andwasstoppedandbrieflydetainedforquestioningbyfightersfro...
